Food and Health

Honey benefits – Secrets that might shock you

Honey benefits cannot be over emphasized. Honey is very high in beneficial plants compound and offers lot of health benefits. Honey can be seen useful oftentimes instead of other sweeting agents, such as sugar, sweetener etc, because honey is 100% calories free.

8 Important honey benefits to healthy life

Special nutrients

Honey contains some nutrients which help in building and maintaining the body, it is thick and sweet. Honey is produced by honeybees, it is low in vitamins and minerals, but may be high in some plants compounds.

Contain antioxidants

Honey benefits can be considered from its richness in antioxidants, and other high quality nutrients like organic acids and phenolic compounds like flavonoids. Antioxidants have being said to have the capacity to reduce risk of heart attacks, strokes and some numerous terminal ailments. It also help in promoting eye health.

Improve heart condition

Another important honey is the ability to improve heart condition, therefore, it is preferred to granulated or other forms of sugar. Honey is recommended for diabetic and hypertensive victims.

Reduce blood pressure – Honey benefits

Honey helps to prevent and reduce blood pressure. This is an important honey. Honey helps to control, moderate and reduction blood pressure.

Reduces cholesterol – Honey benefits

Another honey benefits as shown by research is that, it reducing cholesterol in the body, honey has a Positive effect on cholesterol level. It leads to modest reduction in total and “bad” LDL Cholesterol while raising, “good” HDL.

Lower Triglycerides

Honey can lower triglycerides. Evaluated triglycerides are a risk factor for heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Several studies shows that honey  can reduce triglycerides especially when used as sugar substitute.

Heals burns and wounds

Honey promotes burns and wounds healing. Topical honey treatment have being in use to heal wounds and burn since ages in Egypt and other Africa country till date. Honey is also used for food treatment for foot ulcer which are serious complications that can lead to amputation.

Prevent and cure cough in children

One good benefit of honey is that it helps to prevent cough in children. Honey can be a safe cough suppressant. It is very effective in treating children with cough because it is natural.

It is important to consume high quality and pure honey, honey that is so natural that is not mixed with another substance, for effectiveness and good result. Keep in mind that honey should be consume moderately as it is still high in calories and sugar. Honey benefits could also include helping in weight loss.



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